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Evosonic Records EVO051

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Evosonic Records EVO051


ARTIST: Awiy Disco
Title: Milky Way Remixes
Art. Nr.: EVO051
Beatport Exclusive: 28.05.2021
Release Date: 11.06.2021
Publisher: Evosonic Records
Format: EP
Genre: Progressive House, Techno (Peak Time / Driving), Deep House
Offer: Download & Streaming

Download PRESSKIT: [udesign_icon_font name=“fa fa-download circle-wrap“ color=““]




Awiy Disco – Milky Way (Ludwig Buez Remix)
Awiy Disco – Milky Way (Oida Holz Remix)
Awiy Disco – Milky Way (Tom La Mer Remix)

All tracks written and produced by Rene Gottwald.
Track 01 remixed by Ludwig Buez.
Track 02 remixed by Oida Holz.
Track 03 remixed by Tom La Mer.

Mastering by

© Evosonic Records 2021

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Das Original war schon ein Knaller, die drei Remixe setzten noch einen drauf. Progressive House vom Belgier Ludwig Buez, Techno von Eigengewächs Oida Holz und Deep House von Tom La Mer aus dem City of Drums Universum.

The original was already a blast, the three remixes took it up a notch. Progressive House by Belgian Ludwig Buez, Techno by homegrown Oida Holz and Deep House by Tom La Mer from the City of Drums universe.


Die lang erwarteten Remixe von Milky Way sind da. Awiy Discos sensationeller Einstieg bei Evosonic Records im September 2020 (Evo040) wird hier von drei unterschiedlichen Akteuren neu interpretiert. Ludwig Buez, der mit seinem Track Nibel Platz 1 bei den meistgespielten Tracks 2020 auf Evosonic Radio erreichte, zeigt hier mit seinem Remix, warum das so war. Fast schon selbstverständlich in 2021, liefert Oida Holz wieder einen Remix ab, der Milky Way in den Techno Himmel schießt. Evosonic Radioartist und City of Drums Host Tom La Mer legt eine wunderschöne Version für die Freunde von Deep House vor. Gelungenes Paket, so müssen Remixe sein.

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The long-awaited remixes of Milky Way are here. Awiy Disco’s sensational entry on Evosonic Records in September 2020 (Evo040) is reinterpreted here by three different players. Ludwig Buez, who reached #1 on the most played tracks in 2020 on Evosonic Radio with his track Nibel, shows why with his remix here. Almost a given in 2021, Oida Holz delivers another remix that shoots Milky Way into techno heaven. Evosonic radio artist and City of Drums host Tom La Mer lays down a beautiful version for the friends of deep house. Successful package, that’s how remixes have to be.



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