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Evosonic Records EVO015

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Evosonic Records EVO015


Artist: Julian Reifegerste
Title: No Stop EP
Art. Nr.: EVO015
Release Date: 26.01.2018
Publisher: Evosonic Records
Format: EP
Offer: Download

Download PRESSKIT: [udesign_icon_font name=“fa fa-download circle-wrap“ color=““]




1. No Stop (Original Mix)
2. Dance Music Came 1st (Original Mix)
3. Dober Dan (Big Room Mix)

All tracks written and produced by Julian Reifegerste.
© Evosonic Records 2018

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Julian Reifegerste die Zweite und die Ehrlichste. Denn hier liefert er ab, was er am liebsten macht. Electro House mit Hang zum Big Room. Voila.

Julian Reifegerste the second and the honest one. Here he delivers what he really likes. Electro House with penchant to Big Room. Voila.


Evosonic Records kann auch Electro House, besser gesagt, Julian Reifegerste kann. Und wie er kann. „No Stop“ und „Dance Music Came 1st“ müssen erstmal die Aoki`s dieser Welt besser machen. Auch die Macher des neuen EDM Genres müssen sich warm anziehen, denn mit einem Big Room Remix vom Main Track seines ersten Releases auf Evosonic Records, „Dobre Dan“, greift er auch in diese Schublade.

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Evosonic Records is also able to do Electro House, better said, Julian Reifegerste is able. And as he is able. „No Stop“ and „Dance Music Came 1st“ have to be made better by the Aoki`s in this world. Also the creators of the new EDM genre have to wrap up warmly, because with a Big Room Remix of his main track „Dobre of Dan“, of his first releases on Evosonic Records, he also attacks this genre.



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